Jonathan L
Jonathan L
Jonathan L
Jonathan L
Hunnyball In Schools
Hunnyball is great for students of all ages. It really is just a fun game of catch, so an ability to catch and throw is all you need. This makes it easy for studnets of all grades and ability levels to join in. That said, the rules of the game, and the skill needed to play at a high level, leave a lot of room for improvement. So no one gets bored!
If you're interested, please tell us a a bit about your school and what questions you may have. We'll follow-up quickly!
Educator FAQs
This is a set of additional FAQs designed to help you understand the basics of Hunnyball, how it supports your learning standards, and how it can be adapted for your students. The basic FAQs can be found here.
What is the objective of Hunnyball?
Similar to games like wallball, volleyball, or roundnet (e.g., Spikeball), the goal is to make the ball unreturnable by the opposing team. It is unreturnable if the balls hits the ground before the opposing team catches it, if their throw misses the Hunnyball board, or their throw lands outside the boundaries. A typical game is played to 11 points, but this can be adjusted to match the stamina needs of the players or to rotate teams more quickly to meet time constraints.
What grades is Hunnyball best suited for?
Where can Hunnyball be played?
Does Hunnyball always have to be played in a 2v2 format?
What are common adaptations that can be made with Hunnyball?
Does the score required to win always have to be 11?
Do I need to use the boundaries?
Can Hunnyball be adapted for visually impaired students or students with other physical disabilities?